Celebrate Your Successes

I am a driven person. I am always looking for ways to be a better person and to serve others better. I know I’m not alone. Yet, as I set goals and achieve them, I rarely take time to stop and give thanks and celebrate successes. Part of living a happy life is taking the time to celebrate great moments in life, whether it’s completing a small project at work or reaching your goal weight after months of dieting.

Today is a day for celebration at Brains Report. After months of brainstorming (pun intended), creating content, and working on designs, we are live! I want to give a huge shout out to everyone who helped make the site what it is (and will continue to be).

Thom “Grime + Punishment” Grimes is our brilliant web designerman. Aiyana “Thunder Katz Ho!” Katz created the Brains Report logo. Kylie “AO” Belachaikovsky provided consultation and editing help. Erin “Bullet” Brains edited everything, supported me with her legit job, and put up with me hiding in my office.  Also, there are several other people who have provided helpful feedback on the name of the site and other important aspects. Thank you!

Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m off to celebrate. I’ll try not to spill beer on the server.